Blocked Trixie Swallows Members
We apologize for this inconvenience, but these are necessary steps to ensure our quality of service. Thank you for understanding. You were blocked by one of the following reasons. Please see if you fall in any of the first two before emailing us. REASON 1 Our network of sites allows every user to download 6000 MB (a little short of four full CDs) of data, per site, in a 24-hour period. We must do this for security reasons and to let other members have their fair share of bandwidth to download material. If you're using a download manager, this might be the problem. Even though our system supports download managers, they are cut off when they reach the limit. Remember, you can program your manager so that it respects the daily limit. You will be automatically unblocked in less than 24 hours. REASON 2 If you mistype your password more than three times, the system will think you're trying to crack in our system and will block you. Contact Us with the information you were trying to login with. REASON 3 If you do not fall into the two categories above, then your account was probably hacked. Don't worry, all your personal data is safe, but you need to contact us so that we can reset your password. (Include your username in an email to We will only send the new password to the registered signup email.) FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can sort your situation as soon as possible. Remember to provide your username and your IP address. Due to security reasons, your email MUST come from the email address you used to sign up to our sites. Your IP address is the following number: Please copy and paste it in the email, along with your username. (Not including your username or using your correct email will delay your access. Include your username in EVERY email) Once again, we're terribly sorry to put you through this, but it is a necessary precaution we must take to prevent people with bad intentions to gain access to our content. Unfortunately, the actions of a few, affect everyone.
You may also use the following form, please fill username and password, we will unblock you and contact you as soon as possible.
All fields are required
A Note on Chargebacks and Fraudulent Transactions:
All chargebacks are thoroughly investigated and may add you to a blacklist with our processor which will complicate future online purchases. Denying a purchase that you have made is illegal and will result in an investigation which can lead to heavy fines or other legal action toward you. Your credit rating can be affected by false claims of fraud. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us to clarify the matter